Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Useful Info

Cutbacks in Traditional Publishing may mean good news for the author/publisher who dreams of being picked by a major publisher. Editors don't have the time, or the budgets, to develop a book the way they used to. The already published self/independent author has got the finished product in hand to do a "show and tell." With your self-published book in hand, get your foot in the door by having a good marketing plan that reflects all the fabulous things that you’ve done and/or could do to move the book: your platform ID, your competition. Editors routinely check out Amazon for competing books, so help them out. Your objective is to note shortcomings in competing books and to explain why your book fills the missing gap. For a sample analysis, see my listing for Write Publish & Market Your Book on www.elitagent.com (Click onto "search by genre").

Get into Barnes & Noble The process for contacting Barnes & Noble about whether or not they want to distribute your book in their stores is straightforward and simple. All you need to do is send a copy of the finished book to their Small Press Department, along with a cover letter letting them know how you're going to promote the title, what you're marketing and publishing plans are, when you plan to publish the book and what your credentials are for